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+53 votes
12 Year Old Girl Kills Her Cousin And Herself On Instagram
206,414 views Mar 28, 2022

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OvenBakedJews Advanced 2,447 points
Why the hell did she shot herself after  LMAO
+25 votes
Mar 28, 2022
OyVeyRabbi The Boss 28,027 points
Because she be cray cray, obviously
CPS (pedo hunter) Experienced 313 points
Shock and probably she just wanted to play hard with her cousin but actually loved her and couldn't deal with the fact she committed murder at a young age and couldn't face her parents plus that gun looks extremely illegal (especially that drum mag) so that's more trouble
Butt-Head The Boss 28,873 points
She must be stupid.
GOREMONGER Advanced 2,663 points
because she done fucked up
Kiknix 76 points
Bro can't even spell negro right.
K1sL0ve 89 points
doesn't wanna face realitywwwww
cvlture 58 points
she's young, she prob couldn't handle the fact that she just killed her cousin so she shot herself too
British Nazi Beginner 234 points
Didn't want responsibility fucking nigger
Antiheroin Veteran 11,746 points
Her mom or grandma said in an interview that she didn't shoot herself on purpose.  She said that she believes the girl was trying to pick it up and "accidentally" shot herself in the head.  I call bullshit on that story lol
Syoyonora 0 points
Trying to maintain their image.
Colorblindracist Experienced 450 points
YOu know damn well you would kill yourself to you fucking idiot Nazi
markastin78 60 points
You one dumb ass cracker. Why be that one mf the WORLD can do WITHOUT?
Bfotv Advanced 2,599 points
The question is how do you not understand? For one thing, to avoid seeing his parents cry because she didn't want to live with that guilt
Bfotv Advanced 2,599 points
She quickly wanted to join him in the afterlife to say sorry!
Billthebutcher Grandmaster 153,272 points
Now thats how I like to see them handling there own race. Not asking for handouts. Why should I waste my ammo when they can use there own lmfao
+23 votes
Mar 28, 2022
Syoyonora 0 points
Reparations are so BS.
You weren't a slave and they weren't slave owners.
Killer on the road Natural Addict 8,548 points
I just bet that gun is legal
+21 votes
Mar 28, 2022
Do you really think it was owned by a law abiding citizen?
XOXtopher Well-Known 802 points
This is why you keep them safely locked away from prying eyes.
+20 votes
Mar 28, 2022
Serial Killer Omega 23,735 points
Wtffffff lmfaooooooooooooooo
+18 votes
Mar 28, 2022
Serial Killer Omega 23,735 points
This is the funniest shit ever omggggggg niggers lmaoooooooo hahahahaha I love this thx
+21 votes
Mar 28, 2022
OyVeyRabbi The Boss 28,027 points
Always welcome Luka
Hate Fucking mankind Intermediate 1,127 points
+LukaMagnotta OR SAY two SHITS LESS .
angelstar Advanced 2,665 points
u seem vry happy
itz cute^^
Serial Killer Omega 23,735 points
Thanks lol
angelstar Advanced 2,665 points
u chamged ur pfp!
ima mis da old 1 T^T
Serial Killer Omega 23,735 points
Lmao, what do u want me to change it too?
angelstar Advanced 2,665 points
ru leting me pick or ru jus curious
Serial Killer Omega 23,735 points
Yeah pick
angelstar Advanced 2,665 points
!!!!anything i wannttt???!!!
Serial Killer Omega 23,735 points
Yes lol ;)
angelstar Advanced 2,665 points
aaaaa!!!!!!! AAAaAaAa!!!!!! tyty i luv u!! leme look
Serial Killer Omega 23,735 points
Love u too, lol
angelstar Advanced 2,665 points
i duno if dis wil workk but

i lik dem bof^^
Serial Killer Omega 23,735 points
The second one looks nice
Serial Killer Omega 23,735 points
Cool thx
angelstar Advanced 2,665 points
aaa!! urso awsum sauce i luv u smsm
Serial Killer Omega 23,735 points
Awesome lol love u too
angelstar Advanced 2,665 points
aa yay!!!<<33
Serial Killer Omega 23,735 points
Lol ;)
angelstar Advanced 2,665 points
ur nawt az spooky az i thoughtt
u used2intimid8 me lawtz  
Serial Killer Omega 23,735 points
Really lol? How? Fck ur giving me a boner.
angelstar Advanced 2,665 points
wwel ii gues u wer jjus scary nn i tought u wer mean n u seemd lik ud hurt me
but i lik u alot^^
Serial Killer Omega 23,735 points
Cute, lol I wouldn’t be mean to u ;) I like u a lot too
angelstar Advanced 2,665 points
yay! *hugz u*
imso hapy u lik me^^
Serial Killer Omega 23,735 points
Hugz u back, yea lol
angelstar Advanced 2,665 points
imee kindaa shocked bcuz i thouut u found me annoyign at1st >^<
Serial Killer Omega 23,735 points
I don’t find u annoying at all
angelstar Advanced 2,665 points
aa yay! uuwaa i lik talkign2u bcuz urso kewl n i luv u ur rad^~^
Serial Killer Omega 23,735 points
Serial Killer Omega 23,735 points
Thx lol
angelstar Advanced 2,665 points
uuwaaa urso niceee woofwoof!
Serial Killer Omega 23,735 points
Ur nice
angelstar Advanced 2,665 points
i luv u so much
can we b frendz?
Serial Killer Omega 23,735 points
I love u too, yes please
angelstar Advanced 2,665 points
ddo u habv discorddd?
Serial Killer Omega 23,735 points
Yeah lol
angelstar Advanced 2,665 points
cculd uu tel me?>//<
Serial Killer Omega 23,735 points
Yes lol thatguy#0645
i_enjoy_deathXD 40 points
bro its a fed
JAYO 74 points
I don't know what the fuck is going on but I know one thing for sure and that's one of you is planning on killing the other one
OyVeyRabbi The Boss 28,027 points
Perhaps not so anymore seeing as Serial Killer got banned. May he rest in peace
angelstar Advanced 2,665 points
hellokittywithcum Experienced 259 points
Why girls love serial killers?
hellokittywithcum Experienced 259 points
@OyVeyRabbi you are a interesting person. Sorry that's cringe
OyVeyRabbi The Boss 28,027 points
Thank you @hellokittywithcum <3
hellokittywithcum Experienced 259 points
There is always a guy/girl who always insults you in the comments, I have never understood why
angelstar Advanced 2,665 points
he wuzn an actulserial killrrr
we wer frenndz
FD Advanced 2,793 points
Oh we love USA for their gun laws.
+23 votes
Mar 28, 2022
rawdawg Natural Addict 8,907 points
And you are a retard.
What gun laws are you referencing.?  Enlighten me please.
Well you see, laws kinda don't mean anything when you illegally obtain something.. the kids only had that because some dumb ape in that house is involved in gang crap so yeah 100% illegally obtained. Since you'll meet very few legally obtained in black man's hands and the ones who legally got it, keeps them locked up or on themselves. Those black men got too much class to let there lil mooncrickets play with a loaded gun
BillyLenz Beginner 231 points
It was all unintentional instinct
+16 votes
Mar 28, 2022
Adelf Hitlor Omega 22,520 points
She in nignog hell now, has to work all day and pay for stuff.
+16 votes
Mar 28, 2022
AssholDikSquire Famous 3,255 points
chicken McNiglets
+16 votes
Mar 29, 2022
Turd Ferguson Veteran 13,565 points
That gun was fucking gay.
+17 votes
Mar 29, 2022
YourLocalFemboy Famous 4,405 points
Lol funniest shit I’ve seen in a while XD
+17 votes
Mar 29, 2022
spacewind Addicted 1,550 points
wow she got rid of two niggers, good for her!
+17 votes
Mar 29, 2022
Windows 7 Beginner 189 points
Sloppy fingers i must say
+18 votes
Apr 3, 2022
May i feast on their flesh?
+19 votes
Apr 3, 2022
RottenPancake Intermediate 1,063 points
Yes, let's.
GOREMONGER Advanced 2,663 points
She totally killed herself, but the bible belt being what it is her parents deny it. STL 4 LYFE lmao
+17 votes
Apr 4, 2022
MOMOFLESH Intermediate 1,210 points
she shot herself…LOL
+18 votes
Apr 20, 2022
Bfotv Advanced 2,599 points
it means she felt guilty
PsychoHebrewRemover卐 Famous 3,624 points
Good niggers litereally kill each other and involontary way so i have less job to do
+15 votes
Apr 22, 2022
mindemon Advanced 2,440 points
Does anyone have any news sources about this?  I would like to read more about it.  How tragic.
+16 votes
May 1, 2022
danielll Famous 3,058 points
+16 votes
May 30, 2022
OyVeyRabbi The Boss 28,027 points
Post a comment asking if you can buy the gun
mark Grandmaster 163,097 points